Saturday, May 30, 2009

German tax forms for the employed / angestellte

Here are the two forms the tax office / Finanzamt on Mehringdamm told me I needed to fill out as a full-time employee without any other income:

The general tax information form

Anlage N

The general tax information form, 2008ESt1A, has 4 pages.

The Anlage N, 2008AnIN, is only 3 pages. And since I didn't have anything to write-off: no car, no business trips, no home office, no double households, I really just filled out half of the first page.

I found the Anlage N quite easy to fill out. To make things simple, Anlage N refers to specific lines on your tax statement / Lohnsteuerbescheinigung, which is the equivalent of the American W-2 form.