Sunday, April 5, 2009

German Tax Vocabulary Glossary

Verdienstabrechnung = salary statement

Bruttogehalt = gross salary

Gesamtbrutto = gross total
Steuerbrutto, laufende Bezuege = gross tax / regular pay
Lohnsteuer aus monatlichen Bezuegen = monthly salary tax
Solidaritaetszuschlag = solidarity charges for rebuilding East Germany
Rentenversicherungsbrutto = gross pension insurance; amount of your salary that is used for the rest of the calculations related to your insurance
Rentenversicherung = pension insurance fund
Arbeitslosenversicherung = unemployment insurance

Freiwillige Krankenversicherung = health insurance
Freiwillige Pflegeversicherung = longterm care insurance

Auszahlungsbetrag = what you put in your pocket

Anlage AUS = tax form for foreign income declaration

Anlage N = salary income in Germany

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